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초2 홈스쿨/영어 공부

슈퍼내추럴 시즌13 4화

by 말그미맘 2018. 7. 16.

what you....... working on?

와류~~~~ 워낑온?

뭐하고 있어 형.

Dead guy in Madison.

Let's check it out.

확인해보러 가자.



I thought we'd    bring him along.




You're using me.

If we can get your powers back, maybe we can open that door up.

You wanna save her.

ㅡ> Yeah, I do.


if this doesn't work,
if that can't happen,


ㅡ> that's okay,


because I do care about you.


Dean can't even look at me.

He wants to kill me.

I won't let that happen.

Listen, if there's one thing Dean respects, it's effort.


So come along,   help us out.


잭은~~ 샘과 딘을 도와 사건을 해결하기로 합니다.



we're gonna talk to the witness, 위트니스 - 목격자
check out the crime scene.

You stay. Sit.

Hey! I told you to wait in the car. 톨쥬~

What the hell are you doing?

I'm trying to help out.

How is this helping out?


Dean, what's up with all the orders?

You're starting to sound like Dad.


That a bad thing? 그게 나쁜거냐?
I'm just saying. 그냥 내 말이 그렇다고..


죽은 자들이 돌아와 자신들의 가족을 죽이기 시작했습니다.

샘과 딘은 잭을 데리고 이사건을 조사중입니다.



Where's Jack?

Across the street.

Food run. 음식 내오라고~ 시킴~

Dean, he's not our intern

I asked you to keep an eye on him.

I can see him.

He keeps staring at me.

Yes, he wants you to like him.


All right, whatever.
Here, take a look.


What took you so long?


a kill, and takes off.도망가다.

Dean: This is a dumb idea.
Sam: Just follow my lead.

Oh, I'm sorry. You caught us     right     at the end of our day.

죄송해요 오늘은 상담 끝났어요~


모든 실마리는 상담사와 연결되어 있고~

상담사는 모양변형자라는것을 알게 됩니다.

하지만 진짜 범인은 변형자의 전 애인이고 그 또한 변형자임을 알게됩니다.



You ever journal?

Our dad did.

You journal?

Ever since I was a little girl.

You think this shrink stuff is a load of crap. Am I right?

How'd you guess?

Then........ why are you here?

we all agreed we'd give it a shot, right?

he's not processing his grief.

No, I'm good, actually. With death, closure, whole freakin' bottle of Jack.

Are you? 진짜야?


Here we go. 그래 한판 붙어보자.

He won't even admit that Mom's dead. Won't even admit it.


Because if he admits it, then it's real.

If it's real, then he has to deal with it,

and he can't handle that.

Right, because this is so easy for you, huh?

Yeah, but at least you had a relationship with Mom.

You had something with her
I never had.


 I'm just supposed to accept that
++해야한다.  have to

I never will have it?


we're simpatico. 심 패디고. 친한~ 호감을 가지는~
Right, kid?

We're simpatico.

Convincing.차암,,,, 설득돼네요...



I left.   Changed my face, my name.



there's something you should know. 그래 니가 우릴 도와주려고 능력키우려는거 아는데 알아야할게 잇다.

Sam's plans don't always work out.항상 성공하는건 아니야.




사람을 잡아먹는 쉬프터에게 잡힌 형제들에게 위기가 오고~

잭이 능력을 발휘해 구해냅니다.


그리고 캐스.........

무의 공간에서 잠들어 있어야하는 카스티엘을 잭이 간절히 부르게돼고

그 소리에 정신을 차린 캐스.

무의 공간을 지배하는 자는 이를 용납하지 못하고~

결국 성가신 캐스를 인간세상으로 돌려보냅니다.





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