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Let's get ~~~ before

by 말그미맘 2018. 7. 12.

Let's get that burger.

메뉴중에 햄버거로 먹자.

Let's get the burger.



Let's get that camera.

저 카메라로 하자.

Let's get the camera.


[저 놈잡어] 

 Let's get that(the) fucker.

 Let's get that(the) bastard.



Let's get that(the) money. 저 돈 받죠.






Okay, let's get that done. 좋아요 끝내자구요. 끝장을 봅시다.

Done. Let's get that drink.  끝났어요. 술이나 마시죠.





Let's get that cleaned up.

그거 청소좀 하세요..


Make space! Make space. Let's get that cover off.


공간좀 만들어봐봐~~~ 벗겨보장~!!!




Let's get ~~~~  before


Let's get out before they catch up to us. 따라오기전에 가자~~


Let's get home before Mom starts to worry.  엄마걱정하기 전에 집에가자.

Let's get you home before it gets dark.



Let's get married today before the sun sets. 슈레기 해가 지기전에 결혼하자.






Let's get ready before it's too late.

더 늦기 전에 모두 준비합시다. 그게 무엇이든 준비한다는건 좋은거니까요.


