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초2 홈스쿨/영어 공부

That makes us allies.

by 말그미맘 2018. 9. 4.

너 블라블라 해서 여기 까지 왔다면 That makes us allies.


경쟁은 피하면 안돼. 적극적으로 도전해야지 That makes us best.


가지고만 있어도 That makes us feel better.


그런 너의 성격이 That makes you ~


이 스카프 전부 둘러 That makes us look alike.



 It's the weather that's making us so depressed


it's love that makes us a family


It's empathy that makes us help other people


It's fear that makes us lose


It's our desires that make us human.


That's why they're making us change our rooms.


 It is ambition that makes us richer.




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