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초2 홈스쿨/영어 공부

Please bail me out

by 말그미맘 2018. 7. 9.

Please bail me out  나좀 살려줘. 구해줘. 감옥에서 꺼내줘.


Thank you. Thank you for bailing me out. I still can't afford that room.

구해줘서 고마워요. 아직도 그 방을 살 여유가 없어요.


Okay, first of all, they wish.

Second of all, Danny, thank you for bailing me out


You could also just bail me out of here, as I said. - It's only 50 bucks...

내가 말했듯이.. 날 감옥에서 꺼내줄수도 잇어. 50달러에~

'초2 홈스쿨 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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