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초2 홈스쿨/영어 공부

유치원에 간 사나이2 마지막 챕터.

by 말그미맘 2018. 7. 12.

We are running out of time.

우린 시간이 부족해.


수사가 더디자 엄청 화를 내는 팀장님....



[ 아이들은 반대항전을 하기 위해 숲속으로 모입니다]

Yeah, come over here, guys.


 loser pays for dinner.

You got yourself a deal.


Oh, come on, that's cheating.

속임수를 썻지만 통쾌하게 이겼네요.


Hey, Mr. Edwards, hold up.

So, I heard you got laid off from your job at the Times.


- How did you hear that?
- I asked around.


I know what you're going through.

- No, you don't know anything.
- Yeah, I do.

When I was in school...My dad got sick.

And when he died,
it hit me hard and I dropped out,

I didn't think things would get any better.


Well, I've looked for a job, okay?

Let me ask around for you.


All I ask is, 내가 부탁하고 싶은건..
don't take it out on your family.

가족에게 화풀이 하지마세요.





'초2 홈스쿨 > 영어 공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

accelerate  (0) 2018.07.13
abuse 오용하다.  (0) 2018.07.13
take it out on ~ ~에게 분풀이하다.  (0) 2018.07.12
it's sort of 솔 오브~ 뭐랄까??? 일종의....  (0) 2018.07.12
COUNT IT.  (0) 2018.07.12
